News & Events
- 7/24/24: The lab's first paper, “Flies tune the activity of their multifunctional gyroscope”, is published in Current Biology! Check it out here! Also, check out this Dispatch on the paper!
- 3/14/24: The lab's first preprint, "Flies tune the sensitivity of their multifunctional gyroscope," is available!
- 7/27/23: The lab is awarded a collaborative BRAIN Initiative U01! We'll be working with the labs of Itai Cohen, Noah Cowan, Jessica Fox, Sung Soo Kim, and Marie Suver on multimodal integration in fly flight.
- 7/6/22: Brad is named a McKnight Scholar!
- 1/16/22: The lab has moved to the Princeton Neuroscience Institute!
- 5/20/21: Brad is named a Searle Scholar!
- 05/14/21: Fiona graduates with honors!
- 04/14/21: Fiona presented her senior honors thesis to the department, entitled Mapping the Apodemes of the Haltere Steering Muscles in Drosophila melanogaster!
- 02/25/21: Brad gave a seminar “at” University of Chicago
- 02/02/21: Brad spoke “at” Harvard
- 12/16/20: New review, "Timing precision in fly flight control: integrating mechanosensory input with muscle physiology," is now available!
- 12/9/20: New perspective piece, "Functional diversity from generic encoding in insect campaniform sensilla," is published and online. Check it out!
- 12/8/20: Brad spoke with the BOSCH Global Podcast about biological and human-made gyroscopes.
- 7/6/20: Excited to announce that our work on the functional divisions of the haltere's sensory fields and their relationships to the wing steering system will be supported for the next four years by the NSF!