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Verbe, A., Lea, K.M., Fox, J.L., and B.H. Dickerson 2024. Flies tune the activity of their multifunctional gyroscope. Curr. Biol., 34, 3644-3653. Preprint at 10.1101/2024.03.13.583703 (Dispatch)

Treidel, L.A., Deem, K.D., Salcedo, M.K., Dickinson, M.H., Bruce, H.S., Darveau, C.-A., Dickerson, B.H., Ellers, O., Glass, J.R., Gordon, C.M., Harrison, J.F., Hedrick, T.L., Johnson, M.G., Lebenzon, J.E., Niitepõld, K., Sane, S.P., Sponberg, S., Talal, S., Williams, C.M., Wold, E.S. 2024. Insect flight: state of the field and future directions. Integr. Comp. Biol., 64: 533–555.

Dallmann, C.J., Dickerson, B.H., Simpson, J.H., Wyart, C., and K. Jayaram 2023. Mechanosensory control of locomotion in animals and robots: moving forward. Integr. Comp. Biol. 63, 450-463. 

Hedrick, T.L. and Dickerson, B.H. 2022. Insect flight: flies use a throttle to steer. Curr. Biol. 32, R218-R220. (Dispatch)

Dickerson, B.H., Fox, J.L., and S. Sponberg. 2021. Functional diversity from generic encoding in insect campaniform sensilla. Curr. Opin. Physiol. 21, 194-203.

Dickerson, B.H. 2020. Timing precision in fly flight control: integrating mechanosensory input with muscle physiology. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20201774.

Dickerson, B.H., de Souza, A.M., Huda, A., and M.H. Dickinson 2019. Flies regulate wing motion via active control of a dual function gyroscope. Curr. Biol. 29, 3517-3524. (featured in Outside JEB)

Eberle A.L.*, Dickerson B.H.*, Reinhall P.G., and Daniel T.L. 2015. A new twist on gyroscopic sensing: body rotations lead to torsion in flapping, flexing insect wings. J R Soc Interface. 12(104):20141088 (* denotes equal contribution)

Dickerson, B.H., Aldworth, Z.N., and T.L. Daniel 2014. Control of moth flight posture is mediated by wing mechanosensory feedback. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2301-2308.