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Verbe, A., Lea, K.M., Fox, J.L., and B.H. Dickerson 2024. Flies tune the activity of their multifunctional gyroscope. Curr. Biol., in press. Preprint at 10.1101/2024.03.13.583703 

Treidel, L.A., Deem, K.D., Salcedo, M.K., Dickinson, M.H., Bruce, H.S., Darveau, C.-A., Dickerson, B.H., Ellers, O., Glass, J.R., Gordon, C.M., Harrison, J.F., Hedrick, T.L., Johnson, M.G., Lebenzon, J.E., Niitepõld, K., Sane, S.P., Sponberg, S., Talal, S., Williams, C.M., Wold, E.S. 2024. Insect flight: state of the field and future directions. Integr. Comp. Biol., in press.

Dallmann, C.J., Dickerson, B.H., Simpson, J.H., Wyart, C., and K. Jayaram 2023. Mechanosensory control of locomotion in animals and robots: moving forward. Integr. Comp. Biol. 63: 450-463. 

Hedrick, T.L. and Dickerson, B.H. 2022. Insect flight: flies use a throttle to steer. Curr. Biol. 32, R218-R220. (Dispatch)

Dickerson, B.H., Fox, J.L., and S. Sponberg. 2021. Functional diversity from generic encoding in insect campaniform sensilla. Curr. Opin. Physiol. 21:194-203.

Dickerson, B.H. 2020. Timing precision in fly flight control: integrating mechanosensory input with muscle physiology. Proc. R. Soc. B 287: 20201774.

Dickerson, B.H., de Souza, A.M., Huda, A., and M.H. Dickinson 2019. Flies regulate wing motion via active control of a dual function gyroscope. Curr. Biol. 29, 3517-3524. (featured in Outside JEB)

Eberle A.L.*, Dickerson B.H.*, Reinhall P.G., and Daniel T.L. 2015. A new twist on gyroscopic sensing: body rotations lead to torsion in flapping, flexing insect wings. J R Soc Interface. 12(104):20141088 (* denotes equal contribution)

Dickerson, B.H., Aldworth, Z.N., and T.L. Daniel 2014. Control of moth flight posture is mediated by wing mechanosensory feedback. J. Exp. Biol. 217, 2301-2308.